Manfeild Passenger Indemnity Form

Get out on the track faster by filling out the Passenger indemnity form online! This will allow you to skip the queues on the day to pay for your passenger wristband. If you’re driving, make sure your passengers know to do this so you’re not waiting on them to get out on track! You do not need a Passenger Wristband if you have entered the event as a driver.
Your passenger band can be used on both days (does not include the spectator fee for each day). 2025 4 & Rotary North Island Jamboree 29 March 2025 & Impulsive 5.0 30 March 2025.
HITCH-A-RIDE… Want to jump in a car as a passenger but don’t know any drivers? simply purchase a passenger wristband and ‘hitch a ride’ from the next available car to pull up. Hitchhiker’s… line up, stick your thumb out and hitch a ride. Please remember to be kind to the drivers that pick you up. NOTE: If you have a drivers band, you can also hitch a ride too.

2025 Manfeild Passenger Indemnity Form


  • DD slash MM slash YYYY


    To the Released Parties: include: Downtime Entertainment Ltd, 4 & Rotary Promotions 2019 Ltd, Manfeild contractors, agents, and volunteers

    From the Releasing Parties: include: the undersigned as well as the undersigned spouse, children, parents, guardians, heirs, next of kin, and any legal or personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, assigns, or anyone else who might claim or sue on the undersigned’s behalf.

    I, the undersigned, hereby confirm and warrant and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions in favour, and for the benefit of, the Released Parties:

    1. I warrant that: (a) I am over eighteen years of age (unless the box below is ticked);

    2. I will comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations provided to me at all times, including the wearing of full safety clothing and gear at all times whilst required.

    3. I will at all times comply with the instructions of Downtime Entertainment, 4 & Rotary Promotions, Manfeild staff.

    4. I will not allow any person other than the person named on this form to be a passenger.

    5. I will exercise all due care and will at all times comply with the Safety Regulations of the Manfeild.

    6. I will be responsible for and will pay to make good any damage I may cause, whether deliberately or otherwise, to any property of Manfeild.

    9. I will not hold any of the Released Parties responsible for any damage, injury or death caused by mechanical failure or otherwise of any vehicle supplied by those parties, whether directly or indirectly, or due to the state of the Manfeild Circuit.

    10. I understand that in consideration of me being granted permission to use the Manfeild Circuit and/or venue I warrant all of the above and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I agree to indemnify each of the Released Parties from and against all actions, claims, liabilities, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to person or property however caused, arising out of or in connection with my use of a vehicle and the Manfeild Circuit, including claims by third parties, notwithstanding that such claims may have been contributed to by the fault or negligence of any of the Released Parties. I further agree that this indemnity form shall bind each of the Releasing Parties. The above provisions confer a benefit on, and are intended to be enforceable by, each of the Released Parties (in accordance with the Contracts (Privity) Act 1982.

    I am the legal guardian and give authority for the passenger if under 18 years of age and on behalf of the passenger and myself, freely, willingly and voluntarily elect to be bound by the above terms and conditions.